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    Worlds Most Expensive Meals [Infographic]

    The life of luxury is what many people strive for over their lifetimes, and those that achieve it typically have nicer things than most. Expensive cars, large houses and high-cost clothing are images that typically come to mind when people think of luxury, but some wealthy people extend their extravagant spending to another area as well: their food.

    Today’s infographic from The Huffington Post goes over 10 of the world’s most expensive dishes, a surprising amount of which are regular, everyday foods that have had an expensive twist put on them.

    Things like pizza with lobster and rare spices to a $1,000 gourmet hot dog make this list, with most of the entries costing at least $1,000. Many of the dishes look interesting, such as the beer that’s packaged in roadkill, but their high price tags are definitely deterrents for the average person.

    We live in a world of extravagancies. Gaudy homes, showy cars; much of the time we don’t think twice about treating ourselves to these luxuries. But imagine paying hundreds, if not thousands of dollars for a meal, something that will only last as long as your appetite? Here you will find some of the World’s Top 10 Most Expensive Dishes, sure to be much more appetizing than their price tag.

    For more info on the list of dishes refer to the infographic below.


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