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    Apple Store Sales Statistics 2012 [Infographic]

    The following Apple store sales statistics are almost unheard of in the retail industry and the numbers will blow you away!

    In 2011, Apple Store’s averaged $5,647 in sales per square foot of retail space – no other retail store comes even close to that figure.

    An infographic (posted below) was recently published by OnlineMBA.com that provides us with a slew of Apple Store sales statistics that more than justify Steve Jobs’ decision to open the first Apple Store in 2000.

    Apple Store Sales Statistics Highlights:

    1. There are 363 Apple Stores worldwide.

    2. Each Apple Store generates an average of $49 million annually.

    3. Apple generates nearly $18 billion from their retail stores annually.

    4. Apple earned more revenue per square foot of retail space than any other United States retailer in 2011 – the next closest, not even half profitable as Apple, was Tiffany & Co.

    5. While US retail sales grew only about 2% in 2011, Apple Store retail sales grew by 38%.

    6. In March of 2012, 83 million people visited Apple Stores.

    7. Since 2000, over 1 billion people have visited Apple Store.

    8. 71% of Apple’s 42,000 employees worldwide work in the retail sector.

    9. Apple earns approximately $420,000 per retail employee.

    Apple Store Sales Statistics 2012 Infographic


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