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    College Textbook Prices [infographic]

    Many textbook publishing companies are set on squeezing every last penny out of college students.

    Textbook prices have risen 186 percent since 1986, and they’re increasing in price at four times the speed of other consumer products.

    Here’s a look at how textbook costs break down, how to avoid them, and what the future looks like

    Alas, another semester of school has graced its presence upon us. And for those of us who are in college, so begins the painful, raging fire that will burn a giant hole in our pockets. As I breathe a sigh of relief after forking over several thousand dollars for tuition, I somehow have to magically conjure another $300 to pay for books.

    Buying books hurts my soul. And I’m not exaggerating. I’ll mope around and eat Ramen cause that’s seriously all I can afford after paying for tuition and books. Why in the world are textbooks so expensive?! Today’s infographic tells us why. Turns out, it’s because textbook companies know that well pay for it. It’s all about supply and demand. They have the freaking golden key to textbooks, and darn it, we need that key. Thankfully as I have become older and wiser, I have discovered renting and online book purchasing. Now I can upgrade to a heartier, more wholesome soup, like Progresso to replenish my achy broke soul. [via]

    College Textbook Prices [infographic]


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