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    Gangnam Style! The Anatomy of a Viral Sensation [INFOGRAPHIC]

    You’re probably at least somewhat familiar by now with “Gangnam Style,” the baroque and bizarre Korean music video that’s become a viral mega-hit on YouTube and been viewed more than 100 million times since July 15. If not, here’s a quick recap: PSY, a rapper-singer type, emotes and dances around for some four minutes to an aggressively hypnotic techno track while surrounded at different times by horses, beautiful women, a carousel, commuters and old people.

    But while “Gangnam Style” does possess an undeniable odd appeal, most people probably aren’t familiar with the video beyond its visceral assault on the ears and eyes. This infographic is here to help. Put together by the British design firm Neo Mammalian Studios, it breaks down the “Gangnam Style” phenomenon and the video’s social reach.

    In addition to having surpassed 100 million views on YouTube, the video has been tweeted more than 780,000 times and received over 260,000 Facebook Likes. The 34-year-old PSY now leads pop superstars Justin Bieber and Carly Rae Jepsen atop the list of YouTube’s current most popular music videos.

    But “Gangnam Style” also has some deeper meaning that most stupified YouTube viewers are probably unaware of. The title refers to the affluent Gangnam district of Seoul, South Korea, and is meant to poke fun at the area’s outsized influence.

    This infographic was published originally in Mashable.

    Gangnam Style! The Anatomy of a Viral Sensation [INFOGRAPHIC]



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