Credit scores are incredibly important. When a student gets a credit card they cannot afford it can ruin their borrowing ability for decades to come. Students always need education on personal finance and I think we are doing better now than ever before.
An estimated fifty billion dollars worth of credit card debt will take place in 2012. Even though the number is high, delinquency and charge-offs have both declined by over 20%. Just like our slow climb out of the recession, bad credit will slowly decrease as more individuals are educated.
Remember the days when you could score all sorts of free swag just by filling out a credit card application at one of those tables that banks used as mobile college student recruiting stations on campuses nationwide?
Well, those days ended with the passage of the CARD Act, which prohibits such on-campus pitches, but that does not mean that college kids aren’t still a prized demographic, particularly since the law does not restrict credit card companies from making a name for themselves online. Indeed, social media is the new frontier for credit card marketing, as you can see from the fun and useful infographic below.
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