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    Facebook Mobile Ad Revenue Statistics 2012 [Infographic]

    Facebook mobile advertising revenue is under tremendous growth so far in 2012.

    In fact, it may surprise some people that Facebook makes a lot more money from a click on a mobile advertisement then they do from a click on a regular browser-based Facebook advertisement.

    If you’re a regular Facebook user, you may wonder how Facebook makes any money because, nobody clicks on their advertisements, right?

    Well, when you have an active user base of 900 million users and growing, it doesn’t take a very high percentage of users that click on ads for Facebook to make a substantial amount of advertising revenue.

    An infographic (posted below) was recently published by OnlineMBA.com that breaks down all the details of Facebook’s mobile ad revenue, mobile ad click through rate (CTR) and mobile ad revenue per thousand impressions (RPM).

    Facebook Mobile Ad Revenue Statistics Summary:

    1. Facebook’s 900 million active users spend a combined 4.7 billion minutes (9,000 years) on Facebook every single day.

    2. There are 450 million Facebook mobile users worldwide.

    3. 60% of Facebook users say they never click on social media advertisements.

    4. 10% of Facebook users regularly click ads and / or sponsored content.

    5. Facebook makes an average of $9.51 per user in ad revenue, per year – resulting in over $8.5 billion in advertising revenue.

    6. The clickthrough rate for Facebook mobile ads is 1.14% – compared to only .58% for Facebook browser ads.

    7. Facebook makes an average of $.86 per mobile ad click – compared to $.63 per browser ad click.

    8. Facebook’s revenue per thousand impressions (RPM) on their mobile platform is $9.86 – compared to only $3.62 on the browser-based platform.

    9. The amount of money spent on mobile advertising is expected to rise by 80% this year.

    Facebook Mobile Ad Revenue Statistics 2012 Infographic


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