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    To Share or Not to Share? That Is the Social Media Question [Infographic]

    The economy is in a slump, and getting a job isn’t easy, but you probably already knew that. If you’re currently among the ranks of the unemployed, beware. The pictures and updates you’re posting to social media could be holding you back from landing a job.

    A Microsoft-commissioned study published in 2010 found that nearly 80% of employers research potential hires on the Internet. That number has increased significantly since the study was published.

    “Now, recruiters can easily and anonymously collect information that they would not be permitted to ask in an interview, and the survey found that recruiters are doing just that,” the study reads.

    For starters, avoid talking negatively about past or current employers. Inappropriate pictures and photos showing one drinking or suggesting drug use can also be damaging.

    So job seekers, it’s probably not the best idea to post that picture of yourself playing your favorite drinking game (even if it is Edward 40 Hands).

    The following infographic, created by OnlineClasses.org  summarizes data from the Microsoft study and other research. Follow the flow chart closely to successfully manage your online reputation.

    Social Media

    thanks to mashable.com


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