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    Why Would Employees Decline to Move? [infographic]

    Jobs are a tricky thing. At least for us new post-graduates. We scour job sites, send out applications, and sometimes get responses. But what happens when the jobs you get take you outside of your home? Relocation is a reality for many professions, both young and old. Relocation is never easy, and not everyone is accepting these far away offers.

    Many potential canidates are put off by the thought of selling their home and finding a new one. Others are afraid to leave their families and friends, starting new in an unknown city. And another big group are put off by higher cost of living that is associated with many locations. These problems are giant drawbacks to relocating, but and luckily companies are compensating with incentive packages.

    Would a hefty relocation bonus, higher salary or temporary housing bonuses sway you to relocate? Let us know!

    Why Would Employees Decline to Move?
    Why Would Employees Decline to Move? by Atlas Van Lines


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