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    Kitchen Cheat Sheet [infographic]

    Happy Labor Day to everyone! If you’re lucky enough like me you have today off and are probably going to be cooking out, going to the lake, just resting at home, and/or spending time with family. Here in Austin, The University of Texas looks as though school has not even started yet. Everyone has gone home to enjoy one final weekend before we all have the long stretch of vactionless work until Thanksgiving. To celebrate this day off a lot of us will be cooking some good grub, everyone has go to eat right? I provide for you all today the Kitchen Cheat Sheet an infographic providing metric conversions, different meat cuts, how to organize your fridge, and some general cooking tips.

    For everyone that is working today, I’m sorry, that must suck something fierce. I’m sure everywhere is busier today and having once worked in the service industry I know how hard it is to see everyone on their day off as you have to restock or wait on them hand and foot. Having friends who didn’t work in college, their stories of fun on holidays like this one were always a big tease.

    On a different note this will be my last post for a while, my day time job has really kicked up and is requiring more of my time. I will be taking leave from the site for a couple of months but don’t worry I leave in more than capable hands of our other writers and replacement for me. As always enjoy today’s infographic and don’t forget to share

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