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    A Regular Day Of A Fashion Designer

    Hey, everyone! I’m Tanya Lonskaya, 22. I’m married and live in Milan. I study fashion design at Istituto Marangoni and develop my own fashion line. So, it’s Monday and I have to go to school. Will you join me?

    My day starts at 8 a.m. with an alarm bell but in fact, I get up 20 minutes later.

    I’m a big fan of bath and I alway take a bath in the morning no matter how little time I have left.

    As far as you can see, I’m not an early riser.

    As far as my husband, Konstantin, is still sleeping, all I’m going to have for breakfast is fruit tea.

    Checking my mail and Facebook, reading news…

    Packing up staff for school…

    A photo from the bus.

    I live in the surbubs of Milan and it takes me up to 50 minutes to get to the university.

    Cadorna FS station.

    I have to get to a store to buy some velvet for a jacket we’re going to make today.

    I never read these newspapers because I usually spend less than 10 minutes in the underground.

    The store where I wanted to buy velvet is closed! Ok, then it’s time for coffee.

    People in the cafe buy brioche and focaccia. Everything’s fresh and tasty.

    My breakfast: a latte macchiato and fruit mascarpone.

    My classes begin in half an hour! I have to go.

    Montenapoleone station. You can find all kinds of boutiques here!

    Shop windows are decorated for Christmas.

    Entrance to the university.

    Our classrooms are not separated from each other by walls so those people are ‘in a different class’.

    Each class lasts for two and a half hours but the time just flies by!

    Designing a model.

    I’m going to use this fabriс in my designs and the teacher likes it. So, I can keep working!

    When the drawing is ready, I have to write some comments on it.

    This is a touch, unfinished though.

    It’s a 60-minute break and I go to a cafeteria. The view from the balcony.

    I love Milan! When it’s sunny, you can see mountains in the distance.

    My next class is sewing.

    This place is really crowded.

    My lunch. Italian students like to bring food to the university and so do I (unlike me, they bring pasta and risotto).

    Posing with friends.


    My favorite dummy.

    The class has started and I’m finishing designing the jacket.

    These parts are going to be velvet.

    7 hours later I’m free and go to the store in hope to buy that velvet!

    I’m hungry…

    Luckily, it was open so I bought everything I needed and an hour later I was at home. It was 7 p.m.

    Kostya is not at home, he’s in the gym. Ok, I’m going to make dinner for us.

    I’m going to make a cream of soup.

    I think vegetables are very photogenic.

    Having some tea with a homemade cheesecake.

    Then my sister called me on Skype and we talked for another hour.

    Dinner’s ready, the kitchen’s clean. Waiting for my husband.

    We had dinner at 10.

    I like making my food look nice!

    It’s 10 p.m. and I’m full of energy. So I start to cut out the jacket. However, I get tired pretty fast…

    These are clothes I make for my classes.

    It’s 12 a.m. and it’s time to go to bed.

    Finally, I’m in bed.

    Good night!


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