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    One Day Of A Journalist

    It’s November, 10th and this is what a regular day of a journalist is like.

    Actually, I’m unemployed and do what I like to do. Today, I’m going to be a photojournalist for a local newspaper. It’s 6 in the morning and I’m having my tea. No day starts without a cup of green tea.

    While I was enjoying my tea, my cat Tiger woke up and asked me to take him for a walk.

    And after that he asked for breakfast.

    My breakfast was less nutritious, just some pomegranate and a cup of green tea.

    This time I’m editing photos while having breakfast.

    It’s 9.05 a.m. and the store where I have to buy some milk must be open. On the way there.

    It’s snowing on the street.

    The store is right near my house.

    Tiger wants to know if I’ve brought something tasty for him.

    This is my normal breakfast. Some oatmeal with milk, a banana, a couple of cakes and a coffee.

    Cooking veel stewed with vegetables in beer. This is my favorite dish!

    I love good food and hate cooking. This recipe is very simple that’s why I make it. I just put everything into a pan in layers, pour some beer there and boil on slow fire.

    Taking advantage of the fact that I’m in the kitchen, I bake some chicken for my today’s trip.

    Drawing while eating…

    Tiger liked his breakfast and decided to take a nap.

    After a while, my lunch was ready. This is it.

    It’s 10.40 and I have to go. At 11 I have to meet journalists from the first channel and go to a village with them to make a reportage. It’s beautiful on the street.

    Someone’s lost a glove.

    This is my city.

    I have to buy a bottle of mineral water because it’s going to be a long day.

    Somebody likes cookies.

    Yesterday it was a problem for me to find a taxi driver who would agree to go with me to a village in this weather. This one is really brave and the car’s so far been Ok.

    A country cat.

    Do you see the headlights in the mirror? This is the first channel’s car. It’s following us.

    Almost there.

    We decided to let the USV go first to pave clear the way for the taxi truck.

    We’re heading to the Village called Leonidovka. A couple of weeks ago I wrote an article about the only lady living in it. The first channel liked the news and decided to come and develop my story.

    This is Valentina, 82. She’s going to clean up the road with her mops or something because next Friday she has to go to receive her pension to a post office which is 2 kilometers away from her home.

    It is her house.

    She gets all serious meeting the journalist.

    She invites us into her house…

    This is her kitchen.

    One of the rooms.

    Journalists want to know how she heats the stove.

    Recording an interview.

    Her kitty.

    These homes are all empty.

    This is the river where the elderly lady takes her water from.

    Journalists are trying to do the same to find out how difficult it is.

    Valentina shows her skills in splitting wood.

    She’s really good at this!

    Done. The journalists headed back to Moscow and I still have some more things to do.

    Nice forest, isn’t it?

    Check out my pedicure! I’m kidding. I just kind of like walking barefoot on the snow.

    It’s warm at home and Tiger likes it too.

    I brought my snack back home and heat it up.

    It’s 6.20 p.m. and I have to go to the city museum to see the exhibition by a local artist.

    It didn’t really impress me.

    It’s about 7.30 and I have an hour before an interview with a local amateur hockey team.

    A sports complex.

    This is the Ice Dome.

    They didn’t want to let me in with my camera because some time ago someone published an unflattering article about it and they prohibited bringing in cameras. I had to make a couple of phone calls to enter.

    They game is on.

    Taking photos of the players.

    And interviewing the coach and the team after it’s over.

    Now it’s time to go to a store before going home.

    I chose the one which was the farthest because I wanted to walk for awhile.

    Only at the store I realized that I didn’t take a picture of myself yet. So, here I am. I wanted to make a duckface for you but it was too funny.

    Walking home.

    It’s time to feed my Tiger.

    And walk with him again.

    Home, sweet home.

    Some buttermilk…

    It’s 1.30 and we’re going to bed.

    Location: Penza



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